Alphavector India Pvt. Ltd.

Senior Software Developer(freelancer)

Ahmedabad, India.


- Outdoors91

This project is an e-commerce website, which includes high functionalities of selling bicycles online and offline. It has a cart and checkout flow with integrated payment gateways where customers can purchase cycles. the CMS (Content Management System)/Admin portal, has many intensive reports and insights about sales and retailers' stores with the managing functionalities like creating, editing, and deleting various components or entities. I worked as a freelancer with intensive support to the team.
Technology and Tools
ReactJs, Jest, React-Redux, Redux-Thunk, NodeJs, Html, CSS, Javascript, Jquery.
  • Handling the CMS (Content Management System)/Admin website built in ReactJs and NodeJs.
  • Developed UI components with Styled Component, testing and reusing them. Built a common HOC for the Cycles and Accessories UI components.
  • Used the react-redux to store the states of the application in a single place which gave the application reliability and reusability.
  • Handling data from the Google and Facebook analytics using respective APIs and plotting them into graphs.
  • Integrated payment gateways APIs like Razorpay and Cashfree into the frontend.
  • Actively made communication with teams and clients for bringing user-friendly features into the websites.

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