Rock Technolabs

Senior Software Engineer

Ahmedabad, India.


- Rock Template

Rock template is a responsive Laravel template website for startup companies. It includes the frontend and admin site with minimal requirements of any website. Various pages are in the frontend such as Homepage, About-us, blog, and news pages with working login/signup functionalities. On the admin side, various handling components handle the frontend dynamically by creating, updating, and deleting the entities.
Technology and Tools
Laravel and Vue.js.
  • Lead a team of three in the project. Created headless CMS and SPA (Single Page Application) using Vue.js.
  • Built Apis with Laravel Passport and tested in Postman.
  • Maintained regular communication with team and client to track and manage project progress.

- Google Adwords

A German client wanted to make a well-designed website where he could view Google Adword data from multiple google AdWords accounts using google AdWords APIs. For doing that I needed a google manager account developer token and OAuth2 access.
Technology and Tools
ReactJs, HTML, SCSS, Laravel, Google AdWords Apis
  • Led a team of two in the project. Created dashboard for google AdWords data using Laravel and ReactJs. Making Pixel Perfect UI Component using React Styled Components
  • Created signup/login for multiple google AdWords manager accounts and checked the security and credibility.
  • Created Admin CMS components to manage the add, edit, delete and verify the AdWords manager accounts by admin only.
  • Made regular communication with the client to get an approved developer token from Google and other functionality updates.
  • Made some intensive sample reports templates with react components to view the AdWords data.
  • Handling sprint meetings and taking reviews on code done by other colleagues.

- Internet Service Provider

A Spanish Internet service provider company wanted to build a user and admin side website where people would purchase a plan for the WIFI.
Technology and Tools
ReactJs, HTML, CSS, Javascript
  • I single-handedly developed the front-end for the user and admin module with ReactJs and Styled Components.
  • Doing necessary changes in frontend as per the client's requirement and feedback through the development life cycle.
  • Developed Pixel Perfect responsive admin UI modules for the handling CRUD operation and signin flow.
  • Used i18n to control the languages on the website

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